Phone: 07854917634
Baby massage is suitable from birth and is a lovely way to spend time with your baby, it can also help ease some of the early challenges, like colic, teething and sleep. You will discover gentle techniques that not only soothe your baby but support growth, enhance bonds and emotional wellbeing.
Baby yoga is suitable from 12 weeks, with the same amazing benefits as massage, yoga introduces simple movements and stretches to support your baby’s growing body and is a super fun way to play with your baby while helping them meet their next milestones.
We also create space for women during pregnancy, to take time out to relax, to be nurtured, empowered, and have fun.
You will meet other mums-to-be or mums with babies of a similar age to your own, have a chance to share over a cuppa (and biscuit) and find friends in a warm and friendly environment.
I am excited to meet you and your little one very soon!
All of our franchisees and instructors are qualified in/hold the following:
1 to 1 or group sessions.
All of our courses can be delivered individually and tailored to your specific needs and requirements in the comfort of your own home. For more information, please contact me.
Phone: 07908 807 258
Basking Babies is a multi award-winning brand. We have received a number of nominations, commendations, and wins for our classes, support services and more!
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